Monday, January 10, 2011

First day of blogging: Expectations

First of all, I would like to inform any readers as to why I have started this blog.  I needed a place to securely post my artwork and designs where they cannot be stolen.  In the terms of use for, Google insures any post, photo, comments, etc. are property of the blogger.  Thus, all the information on this blog is property of me.

The second reason for this blog is to document all my work for friends, family, and/or potential clients or prospective employers to view.  I hope all of you feel comfortable in giving me feedback about my designs.  I look forward to reading your comments!

(This blog is open to people not signed up with a Google account as well.  If you don't have an account, you will be shown as an anonymous user.  I encourage you to add your first name and last initial to your comment so I know who it is.  That or contact me through my Facebook account with your feedback.)

Viewers should expect to see photos of my works (assignments from a college class, commissions from clients, and/or works done in my free time) and descriptions about the artistic process involved in each piece.

If anyone needs design or artistic work done and you like what you see here, leave your email address in the comments and I will contact you! :-)

Keep checking back for more posts!

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