Monday, January 24, 2011

Drawing Fundamentals 2 Works (continued)

So I couldn't upload all the photos from this class last week, but here are the rest!  (-presented in a much better way than last post!)

This assignment was drawing 3 things from nature in 3 different media.  7/7/10

Bark; 4B and 6B pencils

Leaf; Charcoal

Little Tomato; Pastels

This assignment was a still-life, fabric study done in charcoal.  7/12/10

This tree study done in charcoal at Lakeside Park was the midterm project. 7/19/10 

The house assignment was to study different methods to convey textures in graphite. 7/21/10

Another still-life!  But, the media was white pastel and white conte crayon on black paper. 7/26/10

This was our pet portrait assignment done in pastels.  I did my cat, Lucy "Lu-Lu."  7/29/10

Our final assignment was anything we wanted to do.  One of my strengths is charcoal so I decided to use that to draw a lot of reflective surfaces.  All these are made of glass.  8/4/10

More will be up soon! :-)

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