Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Web Developing Project 1

Well, it sure has been a while since my last update.  I have been working on a lot of things.  First of all, I'm in a photography class this semester and all my photos from those assignments are posted to flickr.  So if you want to see photos of mine, go to www.flickr.com/annamersaydes.

My midterm assignment for my web developing class was to design for the css zen garden site.  This site (www.csszengarden.com) explains all the specifics of the exercise.  Basically, the content (text) stays the same.  It's against the rules to edit the html (the content).  People who do the challenge can only add a CSS sheet to the html.  (For those of you who don't know what that means, I can only design and style the page - all the pretty stuff.)  If you want to see the site without the css, click on "html file."  On my site, this is at the bottom of the icicles image.

I submitted my design to the css zen garden site.  So hopefully it makes the cut and gets published as an example on there!

Note:  My design features CSS3 coding which isn't supported in Internet Explorer 8.  I suggest anyone that wants to view my site to download IE 9 or Firefox.  (I highly recommend Firefox.  IE is fading away - being so ridiculously slow and all...)

So to get to my site, the address is:  http://www.students.ipfw.edu/~teagam01/zen .  I don't know how long this will be active.  Space to publish sites through IPFW is limited and I may have to delete it to make room for my final project.

My final project will most likely be a portfolio site.  So once I get that going, I will put up links here and on my facebook page too.  Check out flickr for my photos and some other narrowed portfolio pieces.


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