Monday, March 21, 2011


Just all my latest photography.  I've been uploading to my flickr site this whole time and haven't been updating here.  So here are my photos!  See more from the sets on  I just wanted to upload a few of my best works here.  All these photos are from assignments or experimental shots for my photography class.

This project was about clothing photography.  Instead of doing an entire outfit, I concentrated on a series of hats.  My model, Johnathan, was really happy and cooperative for about the first 10 minutes...  Things just went downhill from there!  But I ended up with some really cool shots!  All these were taken in auto mode though, because I hadn't been taught manual yet.  Someday maybe I will do this shoot again but in manual mode to get some better quality and no flash going on.

Zeak, the white dog, and Maggie were really cool to photograph together.  I love their huge contrast with each other!  Big verses small; black verses white.

For this project, I needed to find a client and photograph for them to their liking.  Some people did photos of the client's children or pets.  I wanted to use Chase, because he has done a little modeling before.  He's currently with the Hellen Wells Agency for modeling and acting.  So I wanted to do some photos he would possibly be able to use for his comp card.  He plays the guitar for fun so I wanted some photos of that.  Also, at his house he has a really cool orange tiled floor, which proved to be an interesting background for some of my shots.

Our next project was architectural photography.  I wasn't too fond of this assignment.  I have some good photos, but architecture didn't really inspire me like I had hoped.  I went to a catholic church for my panorama photo, and then went to the public library for the stairs and the bookcase photos.

Our first day in the studio!  I paired up with a classmate, Miriam.  Our professor set up lighting, which I played with very little, and we were told to pose our subject with what we were learning in class.  Looks a little over-exposed but I think it works.  I was worried her shirt would blend into the background too much, but I actually like the effect it has.

The studio and posing was practice for the head-shots assignment. I used Chase as my model again.  I only had to do minimal lighting fixes in Photoshop for these.  Getting lighting better!

I wanted to play in the studio more so I took my friend, Brittani, over for some shots.  I had to Photoshop these a bit to get rid of blemishes.  I didn't have to fix lighting at all, which I was really happy about!

More studio work in class.  Miriam posed for me again.  The exercise this time was lighting on our own.  We had to have photos of key or main light only (first photo), key and fill lighting (second photo), and key, fill, and back lighting.  In our studio here at school, one light is broken so our back light was an incandescent bulb.  So it made the background look yellow instead of the uniform white-ish.  That's why my key, fill, and back lighting photo isn't included here.  Because I really hated it!

We have learned that a really strong light and high contrast doesn't look good for women.  Unfortunately, only women have been my subjects.  So I quickly asked a classmate to sit for me so I could get some strong contrast photos for experience.  He really didn't like being my model (hints the frown).  So maybe someday I will drag Chase up to school so we can get some dynamic photos in the studio.

Well, that's all I have for now.  I will upload more when I complete more assignments.

Thanks for visiting!  Check back for more updates.

1 comment:

  1. Someone looks absolutely adorable, and I think his name is Johnathan! :)
